
Peru President introduces confidence motion

21:31 | Lima, Sep. 16.

Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra on Sunday night introduced a confidence motion to Congress and asked Parliament to approve the political-justice reform bills submitted by the Executive Branch, which are aimed at fighting corruption.

In this sense, the Head of State called for an extraordinary legislature session to address the matter on September 19, 2018.

Thus, the Vizcarra administration intends to implement a positive change in Peru by fighting this scourge.

Yet, the opposition-controlled Parliament is taking long to approve the necessary mechanisms for the aforementioned purpose.

The Peruvian Constitution allows an acting President to close Congress and call for new legislative elections if Parliament dismisses two cabinets. The current Congress had already granted a no-confidence vote to a former cabinet.

In a televised address to the nation, the Head of State affirmed he respects the Constitution adding his administrations' efforts in the fight against corruption will not go backwards.

"I request members of Congress of the Republic to join this frontal fight against corruption, as well as to adopt the measures the Constitution allows them by accepting the presented motion and approving the four proposed constitutional reforms, so these will be subject to a referendum on December 8th," he expressed.

The referendum will also serve to determine whether Peruvians want lawmakers to be re-electedSaid announcement was made on July 28th —in his annual address to the nation— as part of Peru's 197th Independence Day celebrations.


Publicado: 16/9/2018