
Peru: President calls for dialogue and asks governors to work with Executive Branch

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

15:00 | Lima, Aug. 23.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Friday affirmed that her Government will continue promoting dialogue because it is "essential for sustaining democracy."

During the closing of the 5th Regional State Council, the Head of State urged regional governors to "continue working together with the Executive Branch to build the homeland that we all deserve."

"My government will remain firm in (its commitment to) unity and the dialogue that is essential for sustaining democracy," Mrs. Boluarte expressed.

In that regard, the top official asked that "we continue to jointly find ways to seek solutions; provide timely responses aimed at cutting inequality gaps that have historically not been addressed and which affect those who have the least."

"Decentralization and intergovernmental coordination are fundamental pillars for the sustained growth of our beloved homeland," Mrs. Boluarte stated.

These tools allow for "solving complex challenges that no single entity could address on its own."

The top official said that since she assumed the Presidency of the Republic, "the Government's actions have been directed at maintaining democracy as the main value of my administration and of the economic stability that currently places us in a favorable position with respect to other countries in the region."

Regarding the allegations made from the regions about delays in budget transfers, the president recalled that there was economic recession in 2023. Similarly, she recalled that there was previously a situation of political unrest in Peru.

Commitments and agreements

The Head of State also stressed that each of the four previous Regional State Councils have generated commitments and agreements that are being fulfilled.

"We are not walking or meeting in vain," Mrs. Boluarte said, then listing various initiatives and projects that emerged at these meetings involving Executive Branch representatives and regional authorities.

"Our Government is by your side, governors; in this constant dialogue, and in this coordinated work side by side, without any rest in addressing the needs that you forward to the Executive Branch, which are those of the people who have elected you," she expressed.

Supervision of Majes-Sihuas II Project

Previously, the president flew over the plains of Sihuas, which cross the provinces of Caylloma, Arequipa, and Camana, and are part of the Majes-Sihuas II Irrigation Project.

This project is one of those that have been unblocked in order to ensure prompt execution. The top official said that the deadlines for completion are being accelerated.

Its extension area covers 38,500 hectares. The implementation of this project involves an investment of approximately S/7.730 billion (about US$2.059 billion).

Details of the progress of this infrastructure were presented during the 5th Regional Council of State held in Arequipa on Thursday and Friday.


Publicado: 23/8/2024