
President Vizcarra: Peru promotes resolution to strengthen fight against corruption

15:17 | New York (U.S.), Sep. 25.

President Martin Vizcarra on Tuesday affirmed the Inca country will promote a resolution —within the framework of the UN Convention— aimed at strengthening cooperation in the fight against corruption.

In this sense, the Head of State indicated 5% of the world's GDP deviates to the enrichment of a few instead of directing these resources towards accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals

"I would like to announce that Peru will promote the adoption of a resolution (…) aimed at strengthening the required cooperation to fight this scourge, particularly great corruption and its transnational reach," he expressed. 

Moreover, the top official informed the Inca nation will promote the General Assembly's action, so all States renew their political commitment against the aforementioned issue, as well as explore new and more effective ways to combat it

Said agreement comprises 57 concrete measures and actions to strengthen the fight against corruption and regional cooperation on this matter. 

The promotion of transparency, accountability, and the use of the banking system for political parties' electoral campaigns, as well as requesting the Hemisphere's nations to consider restricting access to public office —for individuals convicted of corruption acts— are among these initiatives. 

In this sense, the President explained corruption affects democratic governance and the rule of law. He went on to add nothing can be built on the foundation of entities involved in this scourge.

"For that reason, one of the first decisions of my administration was to establish the Government's General Policy Towards 2021," he said.

"Its main axes are integrity and the fight against corruption, as well as institutional strengthening for governance," the leader highlighted. 

Within this framework, the statesman indicated the 2018-2021 National Plan for Integrity and Fight against Corruption was approved as well. 


Publicado: 25/9/2018