
Amb: Issues raised by Peru for APEC 2024 match Canada's priorities

Photo: ANDINA/Ricardo Cuba

Photo: ANDINA/Ricardo Cuba

10:00 | Lima, Jan. 29.

Canada agrees with the topics raised by Peru from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum's Presidency for the Leaders' Meetings to be held this year, Canadian Ambassador to Lima, Louis Marcotte, has affirmed.

"The topics that have been proposed and chosen are well aligned with Canadian priorities," he said during a Spanish-language interview with Andina news agency. 

The diplomat pointed out that on this occasion Canada "will once again be able to participate, in a very positive and productive manner, in the meetings and dialogues that will take place during the APEC (forum)."

The envoy said that as it is a forum at which economic integration is fostered, the meetings host, Peru, "identifies topics for discussion and dialogue."

Thus, Marcotte noted that the issues raised, such as economic inclusion, sustainable development, and innovation, "are very important and very topical for the entire region at this moment."

Dialogue and understanding

Ambassador Marcotte indicated that these topics can contribute to citizens having a better understanding of the APEC forum's usefulness.

"It's not just a matter of showing up, but of discussing, engaging in dialogue, and exchanging good practices to make the economic growth that everyone wants inclusive and sustainable again," he explained.

The new and innovative ideas to be proposed can contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth, Marcotte underscored. 

"We want growth to include the most vulnerable people, to grant an opportunity to groups that have sometimes not been included among beneficiaries or who have not benefited from international trade," he added.

The envoy mentioned as an example of these sectors women and indigenous peoples, who have a significant economic potential.

Regarding the Peruvian Government's invitation for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to visit Peru, Ambassador Marcotte noted that the dignitary's agenda has not yet been defined.

"I cannot confirm his presence, but in any case, of course with great pleasure, we have forwarded the invitation to him," he concluded.


Publicado: 29/1/2024