
FA Min: Peru's position generates trust, there is only one foreign policy

Photo: ANDINA/Andrés Valle

Photo: ANDINA/Andrés Valle

10:10 | Lima, Sep. 26.

Peruvian Foreign Affairs Minister Cesar Landa on Monday affirmed that Peru's position generates trust at the international level, noting that there is only one foreign policy.

He remarked that the country's basic approaches regarding international relations, principles of peace, security, development and well-being have led the country to assume the Pro-Tempore Presidency of the Andean Community (CAN).

The government official mentioned that Peru will also assume the Presidency of the Pacific Alliance in November this year and in the coming days will host the 52nd OAS General Assembly, which will be attended by representatives from 25 countries.

"There is only one foreign policy, and it has historically been put in place by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with a fully consolidated and internationally recognized diplomatic service. In addition, at an international level, Peru's position generates trust," Minister Landa said in statements to RPP.

According to the Cabinet member, this confirms that Peru is not indifferent to international events, and that is why foreign ministers or heads of state come to our country and President Pedro Castillo is invited to participate in international meetings or forums.

On the other hand, he denied that President Castillo's speech at the UN General Assembly sought to refer to Congress or internal issues, noting that his statement against coups d'état indicates a position of principles.

In this regard, the high-ranking official underscored that Mr. Castillo's message is related to the principles contained in the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which rejects such attempts. 

"The President has not referred to impeachments, interpellations, or censures in his speech before the United Nations," he pointed out.


Publicado: 26/9/2022