on Friday announced that she will swear in a new Cabinet this Saturday.
"I will thank the sisters and brothers of Peru for waiting calmly; I think that during the day and tomorrow before noon, at the latest, it (the Cabinet) will be sworn in," she said in
remarks to the media outside her home in Lima's Surquillo district.
In this sense, the Head of State indicated that they are in the process of forming the new Ministerial Cabinet, which would be completed by the end of today.
Mrs. Boluarte said that, as a democrat, she is always in favor citizens and that constitutional law and the balance of powers are not broken.
"No one expected that; until last week at the Council of Ministers, when I was still a minister, we had accompanied and recommended the ex-president that we should not continue confronting Congress. Nonetheless, the
(presentation of the) confidence motion has been the breaking point to be in such a situation," she indicated.