
Peru to continue presenting investment opportunities to other countries

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

10:09 | Lima, Jul. 9.

Economy and Finance Minister Jose Arista affirmed that Peru will continue to present the opportunities it offers for investment purposes, following the State visit made recently to the People's Republic of China.

"This first time was China. We will continue reaching out to all markets where we can showcase all the virtues of our country; we will go to other markets, convening investors and investment funds, to inform them about the advantages of investing in this country," Arista indicated.

"Peru is a country of opportunities; Peru has a bright future head," he highlighted.

The Cabinet member underscored that economic development only occurs thanks to investments.

"If there is no investment, especially private investment, which constitutes 80% of total investment in Peru, it is difficult to grow. We need to invest in order to grow," Arista noted.

"As President Boluarte emphasized in China, Peru needs to attract capital. Peru is open, it is eager for capital because it has three, I would even say four characteristics," he added.

Minister Arista explained that, first of all, Peru relies on solid macroeconomic pillars, a very low inflation, and the lowest debt in Latin America, a fairly low deficit compared to other Latin American countries, and international reserves worth US$76 billion.

Secondly, "it offers legal certainty in all markets," he said.

Thirdly, Peru has "immense investment opportunities" in mining, because the country hosts four (main) minerals with the highest reserves worldwide.

"We are major exporters of agricultural products, leading in several categories; this offers numerous opportunities in transportation, communications, and our extensive coastline provides vast port area opportunities," Arista explained.

"Finally, Peru hosts people who want to move forward, people who want to progress, entrepreneurial citizens, and young people seeking jobs, seeking employment, seeking a healthy way to make a living," he indicated.

The Cabinet member concluded by saying "that is why our responsibility is to go abroad and seek capital to come and invest in this country."

This event took place at the Government Palace in the Peruvian capital, Lima.


Publicado: 9/7/2024