
Judiciary orders immediate reinstatement of Vasquez and Tello at National Justice Board

Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

09:52 | Lima, Jul. 2.

The First Constitutional Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice in Lima has declared the amparo claim by judges Aldo Vasquez and Ines Tello well-founded, and ordered their immediate reinstatement as National Justice Board (JNJ) members.

The resolution, issued by the Judiciary, provides for the annulment of the final report of the Subcommission on Constitutional Accusations approved by Congress' Permanent Commission that had accused them.

Consequently, "we order that Luz Ines Tello de Ñecco and Aldo Alejandro Vasquez Rios be reinstated in their positions as regular members of the National Justice Board," reads the judicial resolution.

The Judiciary not only orders Aldo Vasquez and Ines Tello to be reinstated on the same day, but also stipulates that Congress refrain from incurring the same violations of the fundamental rights of other JNJ members: Antonio de la Haza, Imelda Tumialan, Maria Zavala, and Guillermo Thornberry.

Likewise, it ordered to report to the Public Ministry, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers regarding "any act of interference in the independent exercise" of their duties, "if such interference is verified."

However, the latest decision by the Judiciary rendered the previous decision null.

About the JNJ

The National Justice Board (JNJ) is in charge of appointing, evaluating, confirming, and sanctioning judges, prosecutors, national control authorities of the Public Ministry and the Judiciary, as well as the heads of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) and the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC).


Publicado: 2/7/2024