
Peru: Congress approves disqualifying two National Justice Board members

Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

09:19 | Lima, Mar. 8.

During a plenary session on Thursday, Parliament approved disqualifying National Justice Board (JNJ) magistrates Luz Ines Tello de Ñecco and Aldo Vasquez Rios from public service for one decade.

There were 67 votes in favor, 23 against, and 3 abstentions to sanction Tello de Ñecco over constitutional violation of article 156 (section 3).

It must be noted that at least 67 votes were required for the disqualification to pass.

On the other hand, Parliament did not approve disqualifying JNJ members Imelda Tumialan Pinto, Antonio de la Haza, Jose Avila Herrera, Guillermo Thornberry Villaran, and Maria Zavala Valladares from public service for 10 years.

At said session, the votes to disqualify magistrate Imelda Tumialan from the National Justice Board were not enough. A total of 52 Congress members voted in favor, 30 against, and 3 abstained.

Similarly, the votes were not reached to approve the draft legislative resolution that recommended disqualifying JNJ Chairman Antonio Humberto de la Haza Barrantes from public duties for 10 years.

Only 52 votes in favor, 31 votes against, and 8 abstentions were registered on the occasion.

The draft legislative resolution that proposed disqualifying Jose Avila —who resigned from office on February 20— was also put to the vote; however, it did not obtain the required votes.


Initially, the resolution against JNJ Vice Chairman Aldo Vasquez had received 65 votes in favor, 24 against, and 3 abstentions. For this reason, he had not been disqualified.

However, a reconsideration was submitted by a group of legislators. Thus, 67 votes were obtained in favor, which led to approving the disqualification.

Vasquez Rios was accused of violation of the Constitution's Articles 156, paragraph 3; and 139, paragraph 3.

Similarly, a reconsideration was presented to the vote on the draft legislative resolution that proposed disqualifying Imelda Julia Tumialan Pinto from all public functions for 10 years. However, the file was shelved once there were 50 votes in favor, 33 against, and 1 abstention.

After voting on the reconsiderations, the plenary session continued with the vote on the draft resolution that proposed disqualifying JNJ member Guillermo Thornberry Villaran from holding public office for 10 years.

The sanction proposal obtained 46 votes in favor, 31 against, and 10 abstentions. Thus, it was not approved.

Lastly, legislators voted on the draft resolution that recommended sanctioning JNJ magistrate Maria Zavala Valladares with a 10-year disqualification from the exercise of public duties.

At the event, there were 51 votes in favor, 32 against, and 3 abstentions.

Following this vote, the plenary session was adjourned until March 11.

UN and U.S. Senate

In turn, United States Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), and Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Chair of the SFRC Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, issued a statement underscoring the need for Peru's Congress to respect judicial independence.

About the JNJ

The National Justice Board (JNJ) is in charge of appointing, evaluating, confirming, and sanctioning judges, prosecutors, national control authorities of the Public Ministry and the Judiciary, as well as the heads of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) and the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC).


Published: 3/8/2024