
Peru Justice Min: Gas Pipeline case could be included in Odebrecht collaboration agreement

13:56 | Lima, Jun. 28.

The investigation on the alleged bribe payments for the Southern Gas Pipeline (Gasoducto del Sur) could be included —via addendum— in the collaboration agreement signed between the Peruvian State and Odebrecht, Justice and Human Rights Minister Vicente Zeballos affirmed Friday.

To date, Odebrecht has admitted to corruption offenses related to the Lima Metro Line, Interoceanic Highway (stretches 2 and 3), Costa Verde Concession (Callao stretch), as well as Cusco's Evitamiento Road.

"But there are not only four projects, there are many (more) and all Odebrecht projects can be subjected to investigation. The Gas Pipeline (probe) is running its course; that means it will not be shelved just because it is not in the accord," Zeballos told Radio Nacional. 

He went on to add the Lava Jato Special Case Prosecution Group must place emphasis on the investigation and travel to Brazil in order to obtain more information. 

Moreover, the official reaffirmed the collaboration agreement with Odebrecht is valid, as it is standardized.


In mid-February, Peru's Lava Jato Case Special Prosecution Group signed the long-awaited collaboration agreement with Odebrecht representatives and former employees in Brazil. The accord did not include the Southern Gas Pipeline project.

This deal was intended to procure evidence and testimonies for the investigation of corruption cases in the Andean nation.
As is known, the Brazilian construction giant admitted to having paid millions in bribes to government officials in Peru, in order to secure public-works contracts.

As a result, Odebrecht benefited from over US$143 million between 2005 and 2014 in Peru, according to the U.S. Justice Department. 

In addition, four ex-Presidents have been linked to the Brazilian company such as: Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006), Alan Garcia (2006-2011), Ollanta Humala (2011-2016), and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016-2018)


Published: 6/28/2019