
Ex-Lima Mayor: 'Odebrecht and OAS funded anti-recall campaign'

10:01 | Lima, May. 12.

The ex-Lima Mayor Susana Villaran admitted Brazilian companies Odebrecht and OAS had financed her anti-recall campaign during her tenure between 2011 and 2014.

According to Villaran, the decision of accepting the contributions was made along with former municipal manager Jose Miguel Castro.

As is known, the ex-Lima Mayor will attend on Monday a hearing that will assess the 36-month preventive detention request against her.
Additionally, Villaran affirmed she always knew about the contributions and that they materialized due to the need to strengthen the anti-recall advertising campaign.

"I made the mistake, —and I admit it for the first time— of allowing private companies that were carrying out projects in the city (of Lima) to finance the campaign," she stated.

"I am completely sure about the contributions to the anti-recall campaign of Odebrecht and OAS," she told Exitosa radio.

According to the politician, she did not tell the truth to avoid compromising someone else.

"The idea was not to keep someone —who was elected by popular vote— in power but to secure governability in the city, continue with transport reforms and the Barrio Mio (My Neighborhood) works, as well as definitely resolve the La Parada issue and the operational efficiency at Santa Anita wholesale market," she explained.

Last April, former Odebrecht representative in Peru Jorge Barata confirmed the contributions —worth US$3 million— made to ex-Lima Mayor Susana Villaran for her anti-recall campaign had originated from the company's Division of Structured Operations.

Furthermore, Barata affirmed ex-municipal manager Jose Miguel Castro had used the alias "Budian" and received the tainted money from Odebrecht.

Collaboration agreement

This deal is intended to procure evidence and testimonies for the investigation of corruption cases in the Andean nation.
As is known, the Brazilian construction giant admitted to having paid millions in bribes to government officials in Peru, in order to secure public-works contracts.

As a result, Odebrecht benefited from over US$143 million between 2005 and 2014 in Peru, according to the U.S. Justice Department. 

In addition, four ex-Presidents have been linked to the Brazilian company such as: Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006), Alan Garcia (2006-2011), Ollanta Humala (2011-2016), and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016-2018)

Former presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori —currently under preventive detention— also allegedly received money from Odebrecht for her 2011 campaign.


Published: 5/12/2019