
President Boluarte meets with Huawei's young Peruvian ambassadors

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

17:39 | Shenzhen (China), Jun. 27.

During her visit to Huawei company's technology galleries in Shenzhen, President Dina Boluarte met with two young Peruvian women, talent ambassadors of said brand, in the People's Republic of China.

Isabella Chancahuana and Elizabeth Mendoza spoke with the top official and explained to her the activities they perform at the corporation.

Mendoza is a telecommunications engineer and Talent Ambassador in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) at Huawei.

She has specialized in subjects aimed at reducing the technological gap in Peru, where —she indicated— there is still much ground to cover.

As a Huawei representative, she has traveled to various countries, gaining experience to advance her work and interests.

In turn, Mendoza is a physical sciences student at the Lima-based National University of San Marcos.

She is also a Global and Regional Ambassador of Huawei's Seeds for the Future Program aimed at Latin America and the Caribbean, also referring to ICT.

It was through the higher education center that she applied to Huawei. At the Chinese company, she conducts vocational guidance work aimed at promoting STEAM careers.

As is known, STEAM careers are those in which art and design intertwine with the foundations of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Fruitful meeting

The meeting of these young women with Mrs. Boluarte took place within the framework of the Peruvian president's visit to Huawei's facilities in the city of Shenzhen.

This event took place on Wednesday.


Publicado: 27/6/2024