
Peruvian Exports: Which sectors are key to boosting their growth?

00:02 | Lima, Feb. 4.

In recent years, exports have played a crucial role in Peru's economic development. Shipments totaled US$68.183 billion between January and November 2024, reflecting the demand for and positioning of Peruvian products abroad.

However, changes in the global economy, trade tensions, and logistical challenges have underscored the importance of analyzing current trends and future projections.

According to the report "Overview of Peruvian Exports and Projections 2024-2025" by the Peruvian Exporters Association (Adex), there are significant opportunities for improvement —despite recent challenges— in sectors including agribusiness, mining, and manufacturing.

The "National Overview of Peruvian Service Exports to the World," published by the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PromPeru), underlines the importance of service exports, such as tourism and technology.

Within this framework, Rextie specialists analyze the opportunities and key sectors for Peruvian exports growth in 2025.

Trends and factors

Peru has managed to diversify its exports by incorporating high value-added products such as those derived from quinoa, cocoa, and organic coffee.

In fact, agriculture and agribusiness grew 40.1% and 14.9%, respectively, last year.

Additionally, mineral exports in Peru, of copper and gold, remain fundamental pillars of the economy. Actually, they ranked first and second in sales abroad between January and August 2024.

Regarding services, the technology sector has shown remarkable growth, driven by digitalization and demand for innovative solutions in international markets.

According to PromPeru, this sphere has grown 14% on average annually over the last 11 years.

However, global market volatility has affected demand for certain products. Factors such as inflation in key economies and exchange rate fluctuations have generated uncertainty.

In this context, strengthening value chains and seeking new commercial destinations are priority strategies.

To mitigate the impact of exchange rate volatility on exports, Rextie specialists explain that it is important for companies to review key market information, such as interest rates and inflation in the United States, raw material prices, and employment data.

They can also diversify export markets, as a key measure to reduce exposure to currency risks associated with dependence on a single currency or economy.

Key Sectors

Regarding the evolution of Peruvian exports in 2025, the agro-industrial sector is expected to continue leading shipment growth thanks to the high demand for healthy and sustainable products.

Peru's main export foods are fruits and vegetables, including blueberries and asparagus, which will continue showing a positive trend in markets such as North America and Europe.

On the other hand, mining will face the challenge of adapting to international environmental standards, which could open up new opportunities in clean technologies.
Therefore, this sphere is projected to grow by only 3% in 2025, a figure significantly lower than the 13.9% forecast in 2024.

In the services sector, technology and tourism will remain key players. The promotion of cultural and ecological destinations, as well as the development of technological hubs, could consolidate Peru as a benchmark in these spheres. In fact, this segment is expected to generate US$4 billion by 2030.

Challenges and Contributions

Peru has the potential to consolidate itself as a key player in global trade if it leverages its competitive advantages and diversifies its exportable offering.

In fact, Peruvian exports are expected to reach US$75.8 billion in 2025, surpassing US$73.4 billion in 2024.

To achieve this goal, coordination between the public and private sectors will be important, as this will ensure sustainable export growth.

Additionally, the implementation of trade policies that foster innovation and sustainability will guarantee the success of Peruvian exports in the immediate future.


Publicado: 4/2/2025