
Peruvian coffee on its way to improving production performance to generate more income

Photo: ANDINA/Ricardo Cuba

Photo: ANDINA/Ricardo Cuba

14:47 | Lima, Aug. 28.

The low levels of production per hectare, which on a national scale is around 772 kg per hectare of parchment coffee on average, are one of the factors of greatest concern in terms of agrarian policy, according to the National Action Plan for Peruvian Coffee 2018-2030.

In the case of coffee, this variable becomes even more important as this product is traded in the commodity market, since the ability of producing countries to negotiate sales prices is virtually non-existent.

For this reason, actions aimed at increasing the income of coffee-growing families should focus mainly on improving production levels and efficiency in crop production.

The limited technical capacity of producers, the high incidence and severity of pests, and deforestation in coffee farms were identified as the direct causes leading to low levels of productivity and environmental sustainability of this grain.

Peru seeks to improve coffee's production performance as one of the key objectives of the action plans and strategies related to the sector, the head of the General Directorate of Agricultural Development and Agroecology (DGDAA) at the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri), Mirbel Epiquien, said in statements to El Peruano Official Gazette.

Better production performance

The improvement in the production performance seeks to increase the amount of coffee produced per unit of cultivated land area, which can have positive effects both economically and socially.

One of the reasons for an improved production performance is that higher income will be generated for producers involved in this segment.

"Besides, the objective is to make a qualitative leap in transforming coffee production, not only to export the grain, but also processed products (ground, roasted, and packaged coffee). That is, the aim is to conquer new markets, but with industrialized goods," she added.


Publicado: 28/8/2023