reaffirmed his administration's commitment to working together with mayors in order to make job creation a reality,
, and face the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic through the implementation of projects.
From southern Arequipa region, the Head of State indicated that local authorities and the population are needed to continue defeating the virus which
affects people's health, the economy, and jobs.
Within this framework, the top official said his administration issued a series of regulations to reactivate employment, such as the
Trabaja Peru (Work, Peru) Program, which —in coordination with municipalities— serves to create temporary jobs.
"We want jobs with added value; that is why we are dedicated to taking care of the neighborhood roads that had been abandoned (…). This Government provides maintenance to 50,000 kilometers of neighborhood roads throughout the country," he expressed.
According to the Peruvian leader, S/253 million (about US$70.30 million) has been transferred for the maintenance of local roads in Arequipa region.
Before local authorities and the population, Mr. Vizcarra pledged the Government's support for the continuity of two road corridors.
"We have seen the benefit that roads offer; they are like veins in the human body, they connect and give sustainability; we have to keep roads at the service of the population for agricultural activities, so that there is access to markets (...)," he stated.