
Peru welcomes over 1.2 million foreign tourists between Jan-May 2024

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

11:33 | Lima, Jul. 10.

Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Elizabeth Galdo reported that Peru received more than 1,200,000 foreign tourists from January to May 2024.

"The numbers continue supporting us; from January to May of this year, we have received a total of 1,290,087 tourists, which represents a significant increase of 52.8%," she told Andina News Agency on July 3.

The high-ranking official indicated that the Government's goal is to regain pre-pandemic figure, both for incoming and domestic tourism.

"We aim to reach 4,400,000 inbound tourists and 48,000,000 domestic tourists, which will lead to increased employment," she indicated.

The Cabinet member stressed that, in terms of domestic tourism, there were important milestones such as the Inti Raymi festival in Cusco region, which brought together 45,000 tourists, and the San Juan festival in Peru's jungle, which attracted 120,000 tourists to various regions of the country.

"We already have data showing that in some places, especially regarding domestic travel, we have already surpassed pre-pandemic goals, and that encourages us to continue working intensively," Galdo indicated.

"Tourism generates more employment, not only directly but also indirectly, benefiting more Peruvian families, and that is our objective. In the past, we (the tourism sector) were ranked third in contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but now we are in fourth place. However, we aim to regain that position due to its importance for our country's economic recovery," she added.

Lastly, Minister Galdo said that Foreign Trade and Tourism Ministry officials work in coordination with other sectors.


Publicado: 10/7/2024