
Peru: Learn about Ecoteva case involving former President Alejandro Toledo

Photo:ANDINA/Carlos Lezama

Photo:ANDINA/Carlos Lezama

15:15 | Lima, Jan. 2.

On January 4, the Judiciary will resume the Ecoteva case oral trial hearings, at which people close to former President Alejandro Toledo face money laundering charges.

So far, the Ninth Liquidating Criminal Chamber of Lima has been interrogating various witnesses in this investigation of the former Head of State.

The presence of Moises Velarde Zabalbeascoa is expected on January 4. It should be noted that accused Avraham Dan On provided clarifications to his statement during the past hearing —as requested by collegiate body members.

The Ecoteva case trial has as defendants the former president, his wife Eliane Karp, his mother-in-law Eva Fernenbug, as well as the brothers Avraham and Shai Dan On.

The Prosecutor's Office investigates the purchase of two properties in Lima under the name of Toledo's mother-in-law, Fernenbug, and the payment of mortgages on two properties owned by the former Head of State.

The prosecutorial thesis claims that these operations were paid off with illicit money from Ecoteva Consulting Group —a company established in Costa Rica and registered in a tax haven, of which Fernenbug was CEO.

The Prosecutor's Office requests that Toledo be sentenced to 16 years and 8 months of effective imprisonment.


The Ecoteva case came to light when the existence of properties purchased in favor of people close to Toledo was detected, as well as of large bank deposits made in Costa Rica to the company of the same name, whose ownership was under the name of Eva Fernenbug —Toledo's mother-in-law.

Businessman Josef Maiman —now deceased and once involved in the proceedings— confirmed, through the plea bargain deal mechanism, that the money deposited had originated from bribes paid to Toledo when he was president, instead of a pension fund that Fernenbug received for having been victim of the Jewish Holocaust —a version initially spread by the former top official.

The oral trial resumed by the Judiciary includes —in addition to Eliane Karp and her mother— David Eskenazi —a businessman who would have made the bank deposits— as well as the Dan On brothers.

Avraham Dan On was in charge of Toledo's security at the Government Palace during the years in which he was president (2001-2006).

In May 2023, the former First Lady —born in Belgium— traveled from the United States to Israel —a country in which she also has national citizen status.

According to the Prosecutor's Office, Toledo allegedly received a bribe worth US$35 million from Brazilian construction companies to favor them in the bidding for the South Interoceanic Highway, while he was President of the Republic (2001-2006).


Publicado: 2/1/2024