
Peru: Juliaca residents participate in mobilization carrying coffins of 17 deceased people

Photo: Juan Ccopa Balcona.

Photo: Juan Ccopa Balcona.

17:00 | Juliaca (Puno region), Jan. 11.

In massive mobilization, the coffins of the 17 civilians, who died due to the clashes that occurred on January 9 near the Inca Manco Capac Airport, were paraded through the main streets of the city of Juliaca, in southern Peru.

The large number of protesters reached the Main Square in said metropolis, where the community Eucharistic celebration in memory of the 17 deceased took place.

The bereaved, relatives, and various social organizations of said zone participated in this event.

This way, the Juliaca population paid a posthumous tribute to those who died during the latest social protests, declaring itself in mourning.

As a sign of mourning, citizens wore black outfits.

The massive honors will continue after being transferred to their respective locations. Thus, it will be the turn of Azangaro, Melgar, and Huancane provinces to bid farewell to the deceased.

Transfer of seriously injured patients

According to the Puno Regional Health Directorate, it was ordered that at least four severe patients be transferred to the capital city, Lima, through an airlift via Cusco region.

These patients were transferred in an ambulance to the city of Cusco. Thus, the Juliaca Ombudsman's Office representative called on the population, who keeps blocking the Puno-Cusco Road, to allow the healthcare vehicle to circulate given the current emergency.

Regarding the 112 injured citizens that were admitted to the peripheral health establishment and the Carlos Monge Medrano Hospital, and who were treated for wounds caused by projectile perforation, a total of 95 have already been discharged and 17 patients are still hospitalized.


Publicado: 11/1/2023