
Peru: Government to invest US$215 million to improve primary healthcare level

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

12:15 | Lima, Jan. 26.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Thursday announced that her administration will invest S/840 million (about US$215 million) in various establishments, dedicated to providing primary healthcare services, in diverse Peruvian regions.

Mrs. Boluarte participated in the "Intergovernmental Meeting: Health, Everyone's Commitment" held at the Government Palace in the Peruvian capital, Lima.

Within this framework, the Head of State indicated that, during a first phase, 270 establishments of this nature will be enhanced. Said figure will increase until the end of 2023.

This will allow the provision of specialized care for more than 10 million people, Mrs. Boluarte noted.

"No more half-built hospitals; no more 'white elephants,'" she expressed.

The implementation of the health center in Moyan (Lambayeque region) and the Haquira health center (Apurimac region) will have been completed by July 2024, she indicated.

By then, the works at hospitals of Llata (Huanuco) and Huari (Ancash) will be completed.

According to the top official, these public works entail an investment of S/578 million (about US$148 million) and will benefit 200,000 people.

Similarly, the President said progress will be made on the implementation and enhancement of Progreso Health Center, in Chimbote, as well as of hospitals Antonio Lorena, in Cusco, and Challhuahuacho (Apurimac region).

The Head of State also offered to unlock the construction of the following hospitals: Zacarias Correa, in Huancavelica, and the Regional Hospital in Huaraz (Ancash region).

Moreover, she indicated that the project to implement a hospital for highly complex surgeries in Pichari is ready so as to serve the population of the Valley of Apurimac, Ene, and Mantaro Rivers (Vraem).

Health services for schoolchildren

Regarding the start of the 2023 school year, the President indicated that students' health will also be ensured, saying that 2,000 health-and-hygiene-promoting schools will be put into operation. At said institutions, vaccination against COVID-19 and human papilloma will be prioritized.

"We have to guarantee that food supplements reach out to children living in poverty and extreme poverty," Mrs. Boluarte expressed.

In this regard, she pointed out that the Health Ministry will ensure supplies, consisting of iron food supplements, for children under 3 years of age.

Concerning the prevention of diseases and infections, Mrs. Boluarte said national epidemiological surveillance networks will be enhanced in 25 regions —with an investment of S/311 million (about US$79 million).

"Nothing will prevent us from continuing to work for health and the country," she added.


Publicado: 26/1/2023