
Peru: Entire Cusco region to rely on Internet connection in February 2021

Photo: ANDINA/Diffusion

Photo: ANDINA/Diffusion

11:42 | Anta (Cusco region), Dec. 29.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) on Tuesday reported that the entire region of Cusco might have access to high-speed Internet services starting February next year, thanks to the connectivity project that is being carried out in the area.

The announcement was made last Monday during the meeting attended by MTC Head Eduardo Gonzalez and Cusco region authorities.

At the event, the progress of the prioritized transport and telecommunication projects was evaluated.

Within this framework, the government official toured Anta Province and arrived in Huarocondo district to inspect the development of works in the area.

The Cabinet member oversaw the works on Huarocondo Bridge, which is part of the project to improve the Huarocondo-Pachar Highway that connects the provinces of Anta and Urubamba.

This initiative is 90% complete and includes the implementation of five bridges along the road.

Likewise, Gonzalez verified the access to free Internet services via Wi-Fi at the main square of the aforementioned district.

This project is also implemented at 70 public squares in the region. In this sense, the official recommended that the population use the Internet service responsibly.

Later, the minister met with Governor Jean Paul Benavente, as well as the mayors of Anta, Paruro, Acomayo, Urubamba, Calca, and Cusco.

He also announced that he will return to Cusco on January 7 to continue talking with authorities in the search for solutions and consensus to meet the demands of the southern region's population.


Publicado: 29/12/2020