Development and Social Inclusion Minister Paola Bustamante on Tuesday affirmed the Peruvian Government's social policy denotes to improve equality among citizens so they can achieve progress, hand-in-hand with
economic growth and
development opportunities.
"What can we do so
all Peruvians can access water,
sanitation, connectivity, and electricity services? That is essential, and it will enable us to not only overcome tuberculosis and
anemia, but also other situations (…)," she added.
Likewise, Minister Bustamante indicated the Development and Social Inclusion Ministry (Midis) and its social programs do not only exist to provide assistance, as each of them has an objective and seeks to
prevent people from falling into deeper poverty.
Furthermore, she pointed out the greatest achievement would be to end social programs once citizens manage to overcome poverty.
Remarks were made during a forum held at Congress.
Published: 3/26/2019