
U.S. Diversity Visa Lottery is back, Peruvians eligible to apply

12:11 | Lima, Sep. 25.

Peruvians are eligible to apply for the U.S. Diversity Immigrant Visa Program that will award 50,000 permanent resident visas for fiscal year 2021, the U.S. Embassy in Lima announced on Wednesday.

Only individuals born in countries whose natives qualify may be eligible to enter. 

The revised online registration period for the DV-2021 Program begins on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), and concludes on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5).

The U.S. Department of State will issue a maximum of 50,000 permanent resident visas to those who meet the eligibility requirements.

Diversity visas are distributed among six geographic regions, and no single country may receive more than seven percent of these visas in any one year.

There is no cost to register for the Diversity Visa program. Entry forms must be submitted online at

The English version of the DV-2021 Program Instructions in PDF format is provided for everyone's convenience and required use. 

The English language version is the only official version. Unofficial translations in additional languages will be added as they become available.

It should be noted that individuals who submit more than one entry during the registration period will be disqualified.

Beware of fraud and scams. Some websites and emails attempt to mislead customers, posing as providers of official U.S. Government information. 


Publicado: 25/9/2019