
President of Peru leads ceremony to recognize rescue efforts in Israel

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of te Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of te Republic of Peru

20:02 | Lima, Nov. 6.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Monday afternoon led a ceremony that recognized those who participated in the rescue of Peruvians who were in Israel.

The activity began at 4:00 p.m. (local time) at the Government Palace and included the participation on Defense Minister Jorge Chavez Cresta.

During the ceremony, Peruvian Ambassador to Israel Manuel Jose Antonio Cacho-Sousa Velazquez was awarded the Merit of Distinguished Services in the Grade of Grand Cross, which was presented by the President herself.

The Head of State highlighted the work and assistance provided, both by the official and by members of the Peruvian Air Force, to Peruvian men and women "who were affected by the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East."

"On behalf of the Government, special thanks to Ambassador Cacho-Souza, to Air Force Major General David Velasquez, to Colonels Victor Vargas, Milko Klepatzky and Fidel Castro Herrera, to Commander Giancarlos Vargas, to Major Sergio Navarro, to the technical inspector Elvis Garcia Reategui, to First Technician Orlando Valencia, and to Air Force First Non-Commissioned Officer Jose Roncagliolo Capcha," the dignitary remarked.

"With a true vocation for service, you attended to our compatriots and provided accompaniment, support and facilitated their return to Peru in particularly difficult circumstances," she added.

As the conflict deepened in the Middle East increased, the country organized the repatriation of Peruvians from Israel to safeguard their safety, some of whom arrived in Lima on the presidential plane.


Publicado: 6/11/2023