
President Boluarte: Peru is heading to become first logistics center in South Pacific

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

08:57 | Shanghai (China), Jun. 27.

Continuing with the State Visit to the People's Republic of China, President Dina Boluarte on Thursday led the "Investment Opportunities in Peru" keynote conference, at which she stated that our country is heading to become the first logistics center in the South American Pacific.

During the event —which was held in Shanghai and attended by approximately 250 senior Chinese and Peruvian businesspeople— Mrs. Boluarte highlighted the important projects that are developing in the country, such as Jorge Chavez International Airport, the Chancay Megaport, the Callao Port Docks expansion, and the future Ancon Industrial Park.

"The works that are being carried out on the central Peruvian coast are another proof of my Government's commitment to the country's development and our long-term vision, based on the understanding that this geopolitical outlook is not regulated through the market, but through public policies," she stated.

In this regard, the top official pointed out her administration is evaluating a regulation to declare the Chancay Megaport and its influence area as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), with the purpose of providing tax and economic benefits to companies that invest there.

Similarly, the president underscored that Peru registered an average 4.4% GDP growth over the last two decades —a figure that doubles the average for Latin America in the same period.

Besides, for the 2024-2027 period, an average 3.3% rise is expected, sustained by the deployment of investments in infrastructure, greater supply of primary products, external demand improvement, as well as economic competitiveness and productivity strengthening.

"One of our objectives is to maintain economic growth and the country's openness to new investments, always joined by a social profitability criterion, that is, the search for palpable benefits for those who reside in areas of influence of investment, plus respect for the environment," she emphasized.

President Boluarte's presence at this keynote conference was complemented by the presentations of Ministers Jose Arista (Economy-Finance), Raul Perez Reyes (Transportation-Communications), and Hania Perez de Cuellar (Housing-Construction-Sanitation).

APEC Leaders' Summit

At another moment during her presentation, the president highlighted the holding of APEC Peru 2024 under the motto "Empower, Include, Grow," which seeks to foster inclusive and sustainable growth through the empowerment of citizens and economic actors.

"At APEC, we want to promote initiatives that contribute to developing Peru's proposed priority areas, especially in inclusive trade, the transition of informal economic actors to the formal economy, sustainable growth for development, food security, and the adoption of clean energy in the Asia-Pacific region," she underscored.

Official activities

As part of her official activities in Shanghai, Peru's top official held a series of meetings with Chinese authorities and businesspeople so as to foster the arrival of foreign investment in the South American country.

President Boluarte met with China Southern Power Grid Limited (CSG) Board Chairman Meng Zhenping; Shanghai Digital Medicine Innovation Center Director Ning Gung; Cosco Shipping Corporation Limited Chairman Wan Min; Higer Company General Manager Huang Shuping; and China's Jiangsu Province Committee Secretary Xin Changxing.

Similarly, the Head of State held a meeting with Suzhou Municipal People's Government Mayor Wu Qingwen.

There, she toured the Industrial Park. Afterwards, she met with its Administrative Committee Director Wu Hong.


Publicado: 27/6/2024