
President Boluarte bestows Peru's Order of the Sun on Mario Vargas Llosa

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

08:52 | Lima, Mar. 9.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte has awarded the Order of the Sun of Peru, in the rank of Grand Collar, to Mario Vargas Llosa.

Vargas Llosa has been awarded the highest decoration for his important international achievements in his literary career and his important academic production.

The ceremony took place on Wednesday evening at the Government Palace, in the presence of the writer's immediate family.

President Boluarte bestowed the decoration, highlighting Vargas Llosa's democratic values and literary production, in which Peru always played a role.

The Head of State stressed that this decoration was created by Liberator Jose de San Martin in 1821 as the Order of the Sun, so Vargas Llosa himself is well aware of the historical burden, since the illustrious honoree has previously received it.

"I have the honor of conferring it in the highest rank, the Grand Collar, which is intended for universally recognized personalities," the dignitary remarked.

The President said this award also recognizes the tireless worker, the versatile intellectual, and the writer who maintains an enormous relationship with Peru, who experiences an evolution of his political thought and stands out for teaching through numerous talks and conferences throughout the world.

Furthermore, Mrs. Boluarte thanked Vargas Llosa for deciding to donate his personal library, which is already housed in two casonas (large houses) in Arequipa, to help forge new writers and talents in the country.

Moreover, the President of the Republic underscored that the most universal Peruvian was recently admitted to the French Academy, which is a very important achievement.

Thus, at the age of 86, the Nobel Prize winner became the first non-French writer to be included into the institute founded by Cardinal Richelieu.


Publicado: 9/3/2023