
Peruvian exports to EU exceed US$58 billion

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

10:48 | Lima, Mar. 2.

Ten years after the entry into force of the Trade Agreement between Peru and the European Union, the positioning of Peruvian products in EU Member States has improved remarkably. During the decade, Peruvian shipments to this bloc totaled US$58.397 billion.

This important figure was announced at the commemorative ceremony for the 10th anniversary of said agreement. It saw the participation of Peruvian Deputy Foreign Trade Minister Teresa Mera and EU Ambassador Gaspar Frontini. The latter attended the meeting virtually.

Representatives of Member States, chambers of commerce, guild representatives, and other guests attended the event as well.

"This trade agreement granted preferential access for 99.3% of our agricultural products and 100% of industrial products. The growth in the trade of goods has been such that the European Union is our third-largest trading partner to date," Mera expressed.

Main exported goods

Among the main goods exported to the European market are copper (11.4%), unroasted coffee (9%), fresh avocados (7%), zinc calcine (6.1%), and blueberries (5.5%).

Thanks to this agreement, the ease of access to the EU has made it possible to position Peru as one of its main suppliers of agricultural products.

Thus, our country has positioned itself as first non-EU supplier of avocados, blueberries, and asparagus; and second in fresh grapes.

"The agreement made it possible to deepen the commercial relationship, generating stability and predictability in the framework of bilateral relations. During these years, we have seen a diversification of Peru's exportable supply; and the entry of European investments into Peru has been facilitated," Ambassador Frontini said.

During this decade, Peru registered 4,805 new export companies to the EU —of which 88% are micro- and small-enterprises.

Besides, there are 1,213 new tariff items exported to this bloc. Of these, 98% are non-traditional goods from the metal-mechanical, chemical, and farming sectors.

Since the entry into force of the Trade Agreement, Peruvian imports from the European Union have accumulated US$43.717 billion. To date, the EU ranks as the top supplier of pharmaceutical products for Peru, in addition to being one of the most important suppliers of steel, plastics, and vehicles.

Exports in 2022

According to data from Mincetur, Peruvian exports to the European Union totaled US$6.675 billion during 2022, leading to a favorable trade balance of US$2.290 billion.

That year, 28% of total shipments, consisting of Peruvian farming goods, to the world were destined for member countries of this community.

Within this framework, coffee exports to the European market expanded by 59.6%, totaling US$633 million, while blueberries increased by 11.6%, amounting to US$337 million.

Also, the European Union was the destination for 9% of total Peruvian textile exports, as well as of fishing (16%) and mining (6%) products.


Publicado: 2/3/2023