Peruvian Prime Minister Alberto Otarola on Wednesday said that the Executive Branch has approved the extension of the state of emergency for 60 days in the Valley of Apurimac, Ene, and Mantaro Rivers (VRAEM), the region of Puno, and some districts across Madre de Dios region.
Moreover, Otarola indicated that 4 bills were approved to define boundaries in the regions of Ancash, Ica, Lima, La Libertad, Huancavelica, Cusco, Junin, and Lambayeque.
According to the Cabinet chief, it was an arduous work between the central government and regional authorities, adding that the initiative will be submitted to Congress for debate and approval.
"It has been an extremely important event for the interests of Peru and the country's vision of the Amazon," he said.
Furthermore, the high-ranking official referred to the decision of the Executive Branch to return the enrolled bill that eliminates octagonal warnings in baby formulas.
In this regard, the Prime Minister pointed out that such decision was made in accordance with article 65 of the Political Constitution, which lays down the duty of the Peruvian State in defense of consumers and users, guaranteeing the right to information.
"It is a technical observation in a report from the Ministry of Health (Minsa). This proves the interest of State that all companies shall be equal before the law and that the octagonal warning labelling, which is a public regulation, shall be respected by each and every economic sector and actor," he added.
Publicado: 31/5/2023