
Peru's PM confirms commitment to innovation and digital transformation

Photo: PCM

Photo: PCM

21:59 | Lima, Mar. 31.

Peru's Prime Minister Violeta Bermudez reaffirmed the commitment of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) to promoting innovation and digital transformation for the achievement of the country's goals.

Remarks were made during the award ceremony of winners of the Digital Challenge for Economic Reactivation (Solveathon), held within the framework of CADE Digital, which brought together young professionals who presented proposals to improve public services in the country.

This challenge was driven by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), in partnership with IPAE Accion Empresarial, Universidad Peruano Alemana (UPAL), the National Competitiveness and Productivity Council, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

More than 300 proposals on digital solutions were submitted and will be promoted at the Laboratory of the Government and Digital Transformation, led by the Digital Government Secretariat of the PCM.

"Around the world, open-innovation mechanisms have shown great effectiveness and impact mainly on the deployment of digital platforms and services," Bermudez expressed.

"Therefore, meetings like this constitute a significant progress in the participation of public and private sectors, academia, civil society, and citizens, in the solution of citizens' problems," she added.

"This pandemic has posed a series of challenges. However, initiatives like this one show Peruvians' resilience to recover and move forward, especially if we take advantage of the benefits of technology and innovation, in favor of our own development," the Cabinet chief pointed out . 

During the meeting, which was supported by MIT Solve —an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)— participants presented digital solutions in start-up business, property registration, and vehicle registration services, among others.


Publicado: 31/3/2021