
Peru's Fin Min: We must insist on consensus with all sectors

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Council of Ministers

12:00 | Lima, Aug. 10.

Economy and Finance Minister Pedro Francke has affirmed that it is necessary to insist on reaching consensus with various political and civil society groups to achieve an inclusive National Agreement.

"We must insist on consensus; I swore by national consensus because that is what I believe in. I do believe that a National Agreement among the various social-political players is possible, one that is very inclusive, that comes not only from those above, that really picks up the popular feeling," Francke told Canal N.

The Cabinet member indicated that inequality is everywhere. Yet it is particularly high in Peru, with many edges and history that are particularly painful. Therefore, he said, this issue should be one of the Government's main targets.

Likewise, the high-ranking official pointed out that he is starting a process of dialogue with all political parties represented at Congress, as well as with business guilds and other sectors of society.

"In order to have a broad consensus on economic policy to reactivate the economy and the jobs that people want," he added.

On the other hand, the minister reiterated the public invitation made to Central Reserve Bank (BCR) Governor Julio Velarde so that he continues holding this position, which is autonomous by constitutional mandate and whose purpose is the monetary stability of the country.

"It is a responsibility of the BCR, and we will strictly respect that constitutional mandate," he emphasized.


Publicado: 10/8/2021