
Peru's FA Min: We live in democracy, are on our way to achieving clean elections in 2026

Photo: ANDINA/Luis Iparraguirre

Photo: ANDINA/Luis Iparraguirre

09:40 | Lima, Jun. 19.

Peruvian Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea affirmed that Peru is a country that lives in democracy, adding that the current government is heading towards seeking clean general elections in 2026.

Remarks made were after awarding the Order of Merit for Distinguished Services to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi during a ceremony held at Torre Tagle Palace in Lima on Tuesday.

In his speech, the Peruvian Cabinet member highlighted the foreign official's career path, whose work has focused on fostering the peaceful use of nuclear energy worldwide, achieving a positive impact for the benefit of peace and development at an international level. 

Gonzalez-Olaechea indicated that since 2019 Grossi has been fostering initiatives in our country that have had a significant impact and benefited millions of Peruvians thanks to the work carried out by the IAEA with entities such as the National Health Institute (INS), the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA), and the Peruvian Sea Institute (Imarpe).

The Cabinet member said Peru has had complicated moments due to wrong decisions or an "elusive luck," but that freedoms have been safeguarded.

In this sense, Gonzalez-Olaechea asked Grossi, as part of his tour of different countries, to become an "Ambassador for Peru" and "to say that Peru, which has welcomed him today, is a country that lives in democracy; even though the Government does not have a single representative at Congress, there is no single conflict with Parliament."

Therefore -he added- there is controlled peace, thanks to which the nation is "on the path to seeking clean elections in 2026, so that we have legitimate rulers."

"We have spoken with several important interlocutors, reaching an agreement on some initiatives, sharing the tasks, because the war must not go on," he stated. 

Memorandum of Understanding

Previously, the Peruvian minister and the IAEA director general signed a memorandum of understanding that will allow Peru to receive cooperation in the exchange of nuclear technologies for food security, by applying these technologies to agricultural work —within the framework of said organization's Atoms4Food initiative.

In accordance with the document, professional and technical skills will also be generated in terms of soil management, water management, crop nutrition, and grazing feed for sustainable livestock farming, among other actions.

The IAEA is the world's leading forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field. It belongs to international organizations related to the United Nations System.


Publicado: 19/6/2024