
Peru: Ychsma Culture human remains found in Lima's district of Miraflores

Photo: ANDINA/Municipality of Miraflores

Photo: ANDINA/Municipality of Miraflores

08:39 | Lima, Sep. 7.

The Municipality of Miraflores reported that a team of archaeologists at Huaca Pucllana has unearthed an individual tomb with human remains from the Early period of Ychsma Culture, which settled in the central coast between 1,000 and 1,450 years AD.

The individual was buried on a simple circular grave, in a sitting and flexed position.

The place contained funerary objects, mainly ceramic vessels with abstract decoration (outlined in black, including white parts on a red base), which made it possible to determine that the find corresponds to the first years of this important social unit.

Upon encountering these intact remains at the summit of the Great Pyramid, the team shifted its strategy to devote efforts to cleaning up and deeply excavating the area.

"After observing the Huaura-style vessel and jug, we were able to associate them with Early Ychsma burials, because the other objects found at the pyramid did not include this type of decoration," said Mirella Ganoza, archaeologist at the Huaca Pucllana Site Museum.

This remarkable and historic discovery took place as part of the 2023 season excavation works of the investigation project led by the above-mentioned museum.

This type of findings allows us to understand that the importance of Pucllana —for the Ychsma Culture— had started earlier than was thought so far.

The Municipality of Miraflores stated that the first discovery of Ychsma burials took place in 2015, when four Middle Ychsma tombs were found, with remains wrapped in fabrics, ropes, and basketwork, all covered with offerings such as ceramic and mate vessels, as well as various textile-related instruments.


Publicado: 7/9/2023