
Peru sets admission times to Machu Picchu, visitors given 30-min tolerance period

Photo: ANDINA/Percy Hurtado Santillán

Photo: ANDINA/Percy Hurtado Santillán

12:02 | Cusco (Cusco region), Dec. 12.

The Peruvian Ministry of Culture has amended the Regulations of Sustainable Use and Tourist Visitation for the Conservation of the Llaqta or Inca City of Machu Picchu, located in the province of Urubamba in Cusco region.

This was established by Ministerial Resolution No. 000508-2023-MC published on Tuesday in the Official Gazette El Peruano

Said resolution incorporates a series of articles into the above-mentioned Regulations.

The first amendment refers to admission times to the Inca citadel. Thus, it states that the admission time to each circuit shall be stated on the admission ticket.

"Visitors are given a half hour tolerance period to enter Machu Picchu. After this period, they will not be able to enter the Llaqta, except for reasons of force majeure or duly proven fortuitous events," it stated. 

Moreover, the resolution indicates that the personnel in charge of verifying the admission of visitors to Machu Picchu, under their responsibility, must check that the identity card number and the admission time stated on the ticket coincide with the number of the identity card presented and the actual admission time.

Regarding the monitoring of compliance with schedules, the rule specifies that the personnel assigned by the Ministry of Culture will be in charge of supervising and monitoring compliance with admission schedules and the length of stay for visitors.

In this regard, it indicates that the Ministry of Culture will implement respective control measures, including through corresponding technological or computer means, to comply with established admission and stay times.

Likewise, the resolution provides that the Ministry of Culture may request support from other public entities to ensure compliance with established admission and stay times.

Compliance officer

Another amendment to the Regulations has to do with the designation of a compliance officer for the protection of cultural heritage.

Thus, the rule indicates that, by Ministerial Resolution, a Culture Ministry servant shall be entrusted with the role of compliance officer for the protection of cultural heritage, thus entrusting the supervision and monitoring of the provisions in this Regulation to said person.

Withdrawal of visitors

The third amendment to the Regulations of Sustainable Use and Tourist Visitation for the Conservation of the Llaqta or Inca City of Machu Picchu refers to the immediate withdrawal of visitors.

The resolution indicates that failure to comply with the provisions contained in the above-mentioned Regulations, in articles 28 and 43 of the General Tourism Law and its Regulations, may result in the immediate withdrawal of visitors from the Llaqta of Machu Picchu, without the right to a refund of the amount paid for the admission ticket.

The Decentralized Culture Directorate (DDC) in Cusco shall initiate the corresponding legal actions and, if applicable, notify the State Attorney's Office at the Ministry of Culture.


Publicado: 12/12/2023