Peru has received more than US$60 million in donations and technical assistance from friendly countries and international organizations to support the Government’s efforts to contain the pandemic caused by COVID-19, the
Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI) has reported.
Donations were also made by non-governmental organizations, foundations, and the foreign private sector, among others, and contribute to mitigating the socio-economic impact of the disease in the country.
"The work carried out within the framework of the Working Group responsible for managing and promoting aid from the International Technical Cooperation (CTI), which includes the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Peruvian diplomatic missions abroad, led to more than US$60 million in donations and technical assistance from friendly countries," APCI said.
The completion of donations responds to the good relations that Peru maintains with other countries and to the permanent work that, since March 16 —when the state of emergency was declared due to COVID-19— is carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and APCI in order to improve Peru's response capacity during the pandemic.
"Serological and molecular tests, face masks, ventilators, gloves, personal protective equipment, among others, were received during said period, as well as technical assistance via videoconference and, in person,
as in the case of the People's Republic of China and Germany, which sent temporary medical missions to our country," it added.
As part of the international technical cooperation, there was progress in the talks on the role of financial institutions during the pandemic and in the post-pandemic period, emphasizing support for the economic reactivation of middle-income countries such as Peru.
Publicado: 2/6/2020