
Peru: Public Investment hits record with over US$15.3 billion by end-2024

00:31 | Lima, Jan. 4.

Public investment reached a historic milestone in 2024, registering S/57.742 billion (US$15.365 billion), as a result of the actions carried out and fostered by the Executive Branch.

This achievement by the National Government, as well as by regional and local ones, exceeded the 2023 figure by 16%, when S/49.592 billion (US$13.196 billion) was invested, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) reported on January 1.

The greatest investment boost was related to the expansive fiscal program observed in 2024, which was part of the Executive Branch's bid to achieve economic expansion, enabling the country to overcome the recession of the previous year.

It should be noted that, with this objective, the MEF carried out assistance and support actions for regional and local governments to improve the execution profile of public investment.

Economy and Finance Minister José Arista said that, as a result of the expansionary fiscal policy, Peru will record a 3.2% growth by the end of 2024, one of the best annual results to be seen in countries of the region.

During 2024, the efforts of regional governments were highlighted, which invested S/13.697 billion (US$3.645 billion), achieving a 27% growth.

Meanwhile, the National Government invested S/24.485 billion (US$6.515 billion), 17% higher than in 2023.

In turn, local governments reached S/19.560 billion (US$5.205 billion), a 12% increase.

Likewise, the MEF reported that Peru executed 83% of its investment budget.

The National Government managed to execute 96% of the budget, followed by regional governments (88%), both of which are also historic records. Local governments managed to execute 68%.

The best results in public investment prove the MEF's commitment to developing actions aimed at closing the gaps in infrastructure and access to services for the benefit of citizenry.


Publicado: 4/1/2025