
Peru: Prosecutor's Office is awaiting judicial decision on emblematic Odebrecht cases

Photo: EFE

Photo: EFE

16:05 | Lima, Jan. 4.

The Coordinator for the Prosecutors Specialized in Money Laundering, Rafael Vela, on Wednesday affirmed that in several emblematic Lava Jato-related cases, such as those corresponding to former President Ollanta Humala (2011-2016) and former First Lady Keiko Fujimori, the Prosecutor's Office has fulfilled its duty of presenting the corresponding accusations.

"The Public Ministry has completed its work after presenting its accusations,Vela told reporters.

This will make it possible to move on to the oral trial phase. It must be noted that the Judiciary is in charge of said procedure. 

The prosecutor said that, within the Lava Jato scandal, "there are 14 prosecutorial accusations pending possible trial."

He specified that the oral trial phase has already begun in the Ollanta Humala case.

With respect to Keiko Fujimori and Fuerza Popular (Popular Force) party, he indicated that the corresponding trial comes next.

Prosecutor Vela underscored that the Judiciary has contributed to expediting the processing of cases like this, which involve the alleged commission of money laundering crime.

On the other hand, he pointed out that the Prosecutor's Office is waiting for the decision to be made by the corresponding superior criminal chamber on the request for preventive detention against former Governor of Junin region, Vladimir Cerron.

Budget resources

The prosecutor affirmed he agreed with what was indicated by Attorney General Patricia Benavides regarding the need for the Peruvian State to provide the Public Ministry with the corresponding budgetary resources.

This will allow the work of said institution "to be completed accordingly," he emphasized.

Remarks were made by Vela upon leaving the Public Ministry headquarters in Lima, where he participated in the ceremony marking the opening of 2023 at the Attorney General's Office.


Publicado: 4/1/2023