
Peru: President Boluarte calls for joining country agenda

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

11:45 | Callao (Callao region), Jan. 27.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Friday called for joining a country agenda so as to achieve development in every region and meet the population's demands.

Afterwards, the Head of State reiterated the invitation to the citizens who have been protesting in various parts of Peru.

"To those who disagree, I invite you to talk, including those political issues that you raise on your platform. Come, show your face, let's talk at the (Government) Palace; I'll wait for you there; let's meet and, once and for all, let's set the country agenda," she expressed.

In remarks to the media, the top official proposed that an agenda be put on the table for regions such as Puno, Tacna, Moquegua, Lima, Cajamarca, Apurimac, and Cusco.

"Let's put the agenda on the table. I know that discrepancies will continue, but the country does not live on ideologies or discrepancies. To those who disagree with the Government of Dina Boluarte and who ask for a presidential impeachment, come and talk like decent people, but let's not put the country at risk," she said.

Road unblocking

The President announced that the Armed Forces will be supporting the National Police in unblocking roads, since it is a citizen's right to be able to walk in peace and freedom.

"A group of people who do not agree with the Government do not have the right to block roads and prevent people from moving freely and living in peace," she emphasized.

Therefore, the top official called on citizens to walk in peace, because "we are all Peruvians and we deserve it."

"Peaceful protest marches are fine, and the Constitution guarantees them, but coming out generating road blockades is no longer a peaceful march," she said.


Publicado: 27/1/2023