
Peru President attends closing ceremony of Voluntary Military Service in Armed Forces

10:33 | Lima, Feb. 21.

Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra on Friday participated in the closing ceremony and issuance of the Single Labor Certificate, Certijoven, to Voluntary Military Service members in the Armed Forces.

In his speech, the Head of State noted that the Armed Forces have fulfilled —with heroism, dedication and courage— the constitutional role of defending the independence and sovereignty of the national territory.

"The best thing the Armed Forces has is you, the youth, who serve throughout the country, in high Andean areas, in the depths of VRAEM, and it is our responsibility to generate better conditions for them to complete their mission," he expressed.

He reiterated the State's commitment to rewarding those who devote years of service to the defense of national interests.

President Vizcarra commented that many young people in the Voluntary Military Service opt for a career in the Armed Forces, but others return to the civilian life to study and join the labor market.

To that end, he added, they receive productive technical education, provided by the voluntary military service.

He congratulated the Ministries of Labor and Defense for providing young people with a job bank service and Certijoven.

Certijoven is a free of charge electronic document aimed at Armed Forces members and all youth aged 18-29 whose data is stored in the system of the National Police, INPE, Judicial Branch, Ministry of Education, SUNAT, among others, in order to facilitate their labor insertion.
The Peruvian leader recalled that, in September last year, the Executive Branch published a supreme decree on the National Youth Policy, which will articulate initiatives of all sectors in favor of the youth and will guarantee the exercise of rights like decent jobs, as well as eliminate discrimination and violence.


Publicado: 21/2/2020