
Peru: Judiciary assesses preventive detention request against PPK's ex-business partner

Photo: El Mercurio

Photo: El Mercurio

11:01 | Lima, Feb. 6.

The Third Preparatory Investigation Court Specialized in Corruption Crimes on Thursday started the hearing on the request for preventive detention of Chilean businessman Gerardo Sepulveda, ex-business partner of former Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016-2018).

Sepulveda is being investigated for the alleged commission of money laundering crime to the detriment of the State.

At the hearing, the preventive detention request is being led by Lava Jato Case Special Prosecution Group member Jose Domingo Perez. The defense team of the person under investigation also participates.

As is known, Sepulveda was a founding partner of the Westfield Capital firm —owned by Kuczynski.

This company —according to information related to the Lava Jato case— provided advice to Brazilian company Odebrecht for the IIRSA Sur and Olmos projects, when Kuczynski was serving as public official in the Executive Branch —specifically as Economy-Finance Minister and President of the Council of Ministers.

Prosecutor Perez's thesis on the Westfield Capital case is that the firm —founded by Kuczynski and Sepulveda— was used as part of an asset laundering scheme, in which Dorado Asset Ltd. also participated —an offshore company created in the British Virgin Islands in 2004.


Back then, a group of legislators from opposition parties filed a presidential impeachment motion —on the grounds of moral incapacity— after he had survived a previous impeachment vote back in December.

This new motion was intended to oust Kuczynski for alleged links with Odebrecht.


Publicado: 6/2/2020