
Peru congratulates Abinader on re-election as Dominican Republic's President

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

12:00 | Lima, May. 20.

Peru —through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs— extended congratulations to Luis Abinader, upon achieving reelection as President of the Dominican Republic.

By wishing him the greatest success for his new administration, Peru reiterated its commitment to continue enriching the historic relationship of friendship and cooperation between both nations.

"Peru extends its most cordial congratulations to Luis Abinader for having been re-elected as President of the Dominican Republic in the first round of the general elections on May 19," the government agency expressed via social media on Sunday evening.

In fact, the current top official was re-elected in the first round, with 57.46% of votes.

This amount is practically double the figure obtained by the candidate in second position, former President Leonel Fernandez (28.84%).


Publicado: 20/5/2024