
Holy Week in Peru: 23,000 tourists arrive in Ayacucho

13:59 | Ayacucho (Ayacucho region), Apr. 17.

Ayacucho Region Governor Carlos Rua estimates that at least 23,000 tourists —including Peruvians and foreigners— have arrived in the southern Andean region of Ayacucho in observance of Holy Week.

The regional authority remarked that this important religious festivity has been resumed after two years.

Holy Week in Ayacucho is the most important religious festivity in the country and the second largest in the world, only after the one held in Seville (Spain).

According to Rua, important personalities have arrived in Ayacucho for this religious celebration, including Spanish Ambassador to Peru Alejandro Alvargonzalez.

"After two years, we have met again in the most important religious celebration in the country. According to projections, this important festivity is expected to boost the regional economy, since it will generate an economic movement of at least S/20 million (about US$5.3 million), which will benefit various sectors," he explained.

In this regard, Rua said that hotels are reporting 100% occupancy, despite some setbacks such as the cancellation and rescheduling of flights due to a strike by airport service workers.

On another occasion, the regional authority stressed the importance of the National Canaan Fair, scheduled for April 11-17, which brings together the best products from 11 provinces in the region and from the Valley of Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro Rivers (VRAEM).

He also highlighted the launch of the First Regional Ficafe at the Canaan Fair, where coffee producers have been participating by bringing the best of their coffee products and derivatives.


Publicado: 17/4/2022