
FA Minister highlights Peru's historic position in favor of multilateralism

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

09:30 | Lima, Oct. 10.

In the presence of President Dina Boluarte, who inaugurated the 40th Session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on Wednesday, Foreign Affairs Minister Elmer Schialer received the Presidency of the aforementioned forum, assuming the leadership of the conference's work and thanking for the trust placed in Peru.

During the dialogue among Foreign Affairs ministers and high-ranking officials, Ambassador Schialer underscored Peru's "historic position in favor of multilateralism and the strengthening of an international system based on cooperation, dialogue, and respect for international law."

During this event, the diplomat invited the delegations to discuss the proposals presented by the ECLAC Secretariat in its position paper titled "Development Traps in Latin America and the Caribbean: Vital Transformations and How to Manage Them." 

According to ECLAC, our region faces three development traps: one of low capacity for growth; one of high inequality, low social mobility, and weak social cohesion; and a third of low institutional capacities and weak governance.

Major transformations are suggested that are considered essential to advance towards more productive, inclusive, and sustainable development.

The senior representatives valued the diagnosis presented by ECLAC and exchanged ideas on the challenges facing the region, national experiences, and the need to work together on an agenda that enables development, considering strengthening cooperation and reforming the international financial architecture, among others.

They also welcomed Peru's hospitality as host of the 40th Session of ECLAC and for leading this dialogue.

It was attended by Foreign Affairs ministers from Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Chile, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, and Suriname, as well as senior representatives from other member countries of this United Nations organization.


Publicado: 10/10/2024