
Executive Branch reaffirms commitment to advancing Peru's OECD accession

Photo: Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru

Photo: Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru

18:00 | Lima, Jun. 19.

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) reaffirmed the Executive Branch's political will to advance Peru's accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and to overcome the observations raised by diverse working groups.

"This process involves enormous challenges, but there is a commitment to continue advancing towards the benefits offered by the implementation of policies to achieve the highest standards," Peru's High Representative for the OECD Accession Process, Ambassador Ana Rosa Valdivieso, said in an interview.

In this regard, Valdivieso emphasized that the recommendations issued by the aforementioned organization's anti-bribery working group, referring to the effective cooperation (whistleblowing) law, would eventually need to be implemented.

"That does not mean an insurmountable difficulty," she added.

The diplomat underscored the importance of continuing the accession process in articulation and consensus with all Peruvian stakeholders, such as the business sector, civil society, the Congress of the Republic, and the National Government. 

Regarding Peru's regulatory system, Valdivieso explained that the OECD promotes the enhancement of regulatory quality, without referring to a specific model.

Moreover, the diplomat highlighted the progress that Peru has made in technical matters to be able to join this important international organization.

"The technical part should be completed by the end of 2026 or in 2027," she pointed out.


Publicado: 19/6/2024