
Constitutionalist: Peru's Congress has made a mistake that puts stability at risk

11:37 | Lima, Aug. 4.

Constitutionalist Luciano Lopez on Tuesday affirmed that the Congress of the Republic has made a mistake by rejecting the confidence vote requested by the Ministerial Cabinet led by Pedro Cateriano, given the difficult circumstances the country is going through.

He explained that the political control and criticisms against some ministers could have been tackled separately, and there was no need to reject the vote of confidence.

"We all pay the price for this," he said, noting that Parliament could exercise political control separately without putting the stability of the Government and the country at risk.

Lopez explained that now President Martin Vizcarra has 72 hours to accept the resignation of Pedro Cateriano, but there's no deadline to appoint the new Cabinet.

However, given the situation the country is in, there is a need to find a replacement immediately and build a bridge for dialogue with Congress quickly.

He also emphasized that Parliament cannot be dissolved —in case the legislative body delivers a second vote of no-confidence in the new Cabinet— during its last year in office. 

Regarding the Peru Pact, he mentioned that —if addressed by the National Agreement— it should not be affected and would serve as a platform for the President to achieve consensus.

Publicado: 4/8/2020