
APEC 2024: Entrepreneurs will find opportunities to do long-term business in Peru

15:17 | Lima, Nov. 5.

Businesspeople from the world's largest companies and conglomerates who will arrive in Peru to participate in the CEO Summit, as part of APEC Peru 2024, will find the great possibilities available in the country to conduct good, resilient, and lasting business, Foreign Affairs Minister Elmer Schialer stated on Tuesday.

The APEC CEO Summit 2024 will be attended not only by leaders from member economies, but also by executives from major mining companies, banking conglomerates, technology firms, and those involved in the 4.0 digital revolution, he detailed.

"They will be present at Leaders' Week, exchange points of view with leaders; but, above all, they will see the great possibilities that exist in Peru to do good, resilient, and lasting business," Minister Schialer told TVPeru.

The ambassador recalled that after APEC 2016 —also held in Peru as host— the country's business volume with the Asia-Pacific region economies exceeded US$9 billion, according to Comex figures.

"If we talk about sowing in order to harvest, this is once again a very important opportunity to do so at APEC Peru 2024," he pointed out.

Chancay Port

Minister Schialer indicated that APEC Leaders' Week —which will take place from November 9 to 16— coincides with the inauguration of the Chancay Megaport, on the occasion of the visit by the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping.

"The two are not directly linked, but there is no doubt that in this context, the leader of China and President Dina Boluarte will have the opportunity to inaugurate this great port," he noted.

The diplomat said the Port of Chancay will be complemented by the Special Economic Zones of Ancon, Chancay, and the new Jorge Chavez Airport, which will generate a hub of economic dynamism, cargo transportation, and transformation for Peru. 

21 economies at highest level

Moreover, the minister said the 21 APEC member economies will be represented at the highest level during Leaders' Week.

"14 leaders at the highest level will be present; we are awaiting confirmation from the leaders of the other economies, it is usual for them to confirm at the last minute. The Philippines and Chinese Taipei will be represented at a high level, but not by leaders," he said.


Publicado: 5/11/2024