
Ambassador says Russia will participate in all preliminary APEC Peru meetings

Photo: ANDINA/Eddy Ramos

Photo: ANDINA/Eddy Ramos

12:29 | Lima, Feb. 11.

Russian Federation Ambassador to Peru Igor Romanchenko affirmed that Russia's representatives have been participating and will be present in all preliminary meetings held by Peru as part of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Summit.

According to information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than 160 cooperation meetings will be held among APEC member nations in the Peruvian cities of Lima, Cusco, Arequipa, Trujillo, and Pucallpa.

"For the third time, Peru will hold the Presidency of APEC. Russia has always participated very actively in all activities held by this organization. We will participate in all APEC preliminary meetings as well as in the High-Level Week, although a decision has not yet been taken on the latter point, (that is to say) to what extent Russia will be involved, but we will be present," he said.

In statements to Andina news agency, the Russian envoy remarked that Peru could receive a major boost in terms of cooperation with the implementation of these activities, during its APEC Presidency.

"What does cooperation mean? A major boost in investment, a major boost in trade, in improving conditions for trade, a major boost to improve the preparation of personnel, digitalization, women participation, among other things, that is, in all available areas, and APEC plays a very important role," he explained.


On the other hand, Ambassador Romanchenko emphasized that Russia is the only country in the world that has access to the Pacific Ocean on one side and to Europe on the other side, being a natural bridge between the Asia-Pacific bloc and the European continent.

"APEC's purpose is to improve trade, improve investment, and improve the exchange of people, as well as the preparation of the population in the area. Thus, all APEC members win, which is why Russia attaches strong importance to the participation in this organization," he added.


Publicado: 11/2/2024