The shipments will reach Germany, Belgium, and
Canada. Plus, this sale will exceed US$700,000.
It should be noted the last cargo will leave the Inca country in the current month.

In this sense, Agriculture and Irrigation Ministry's (Minagri) Sierra y Selva Exportadora (Exporting Andes and Jungle) program CEO Jose Ezeta stressed the measure promoted the communication between
Oxapampa Province's coffee growers and international buyers.
Likewise, the product relies on an organic and fair trade certification. Thus, consumers will pay a higher price since it involves a contribution aimed at improving small- and medium-scale coffee producers' living conditions.
Furthermore, Ezeta stressed Minagri —through the Sierra y Selva Exportadora program— is committed to working articulately in order to continue strengthening entrepreneurship of small- and medium-scale producers.