
Peru State constantly follows up on ex-President Toledo extradition process

Photo: EFE

Photo: EFE

15:37 | Lima, Jan. 28.

Peru's Justice and Human Rights Ministry affirmed on Monday that the Peruvian State is constantly monitoring the extradition process for former President Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006), who is wanted on corruption charges.

In a release, the Ministry explained the extradition process in the United States —the country where the Peruvian fugitive resides— is following the normal course.

"The Peruvian State is permanently following up on the extradition process handled by U.S. authorities. The procedural treatment is quite special, and the model is wary of political incidents," the Ministry stated.

The Ministry is considering seeking advice from a law firm that specializes in extradition cases. To that end, the Foreign Affairs Ministry presented a short list of candidates.

Lava Jato Case's Ad Hoc Prosecutor's Office recommended hiring the Foley Hoag LLP law firm. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Justice has requested quotations to other firms proposed by the Foreign Affairs department.

In this sense, Justice Minister Vicente Zeballos regretted the magnification of news headlines published by media outlets regarding the State's alleged slowness in the extradition process.

"It's not that we haven't done anything. It's just that we are putting in place process consistency to look at lawyers' profiles," he said.


Alejandro Toledo is accused of having allegedly received US$20 million in bribes from the Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht to secure the Inter-Oceanic Highway contract, a major infrastructure venture connecting Peru and Brazil.

It must be noted this transaction was made when he was President of Peru (2001-2006).  

In this sense, the former Head of State is indicted on charges of collusion, money laundering, and influence peddling.

As a result, Peruvian authorities ordered his preventive detention in 2017 and issued an international arrest warrant for extradition purposes


Published: 1/28/2019