
Peru: President receives OAS Secretary General

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo.

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo.

09:20 | Lima, Dec. 1.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Wednesday morning received Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General Luis Almagro, as part of the activities of his official visit to Peru.

In a statement, the Government Palace Press Secretariat reported that the Head of State would receive the OAS senior official at the Government Palace in Lima on Wednesday, December 1, at 9:00 a.m.

"The President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo Terrones, will receive the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, at the Government Palace as part of his official visit to Peru," the communiqué said.

Last September, President Castillo visited the OAS headquarters in Washington D.C. On that occasion, he met with Secretary General Almagro, who offered him support to consolidate the agenda in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, improvement of the health system, education, political stability, and fight against corruption.

At the time, the President expressed to Almagro his interest in working together in the education field, with a focus on rural areas.

As is known, Peru will host the 52nd General Assembly of the OAS, which will take place in 2022.


Published: 12/1/2021