Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra met with representatives of Accion Popular (Popular Action) party at the Government Palace on Wednesday night.
The event also saw the participation of Prime Minister Vicente Zeballos, State ministers, as well as the party's virtual legislators-elect, its Chairman Mesias Guevara, and Vice-Chairwoman Bertha Arroyo de Alva.
The attending parties were: Alianza Para el Progreso (Alliance for Progress), Somos Peru (We are Peru), Podemos Peru (Peru, We can), Fuerza Popular (Popular Force), Partido Morado (Purple Party), Frente Amplio (Wide Front), and Accion Popular (Popular Action).
For their part, Union Por el Peru and
FREPAP decided not to attend any of the meetings.
In this sense, the top official indicated that the Executive Branch would meet —between Monday and Wednesday— with eight parties that passed the 5% threshold and —consequently— will have representation in the new Parliament.
The new 130 legislators will serve the remaining period of the 2016-2021 legislative tenure, following the dissolution of Congress.
Published: 2/6/2020