Economy and Finance Minister Maria Antonieta Alva affirmed the State's unbreakable commitment to complying with fiscal rules have helped solidify investors' confidence in Peru's economic foundations.
"We have reaped the results of such move after a few years, and now we have
a country with solid macroeconomic foundations, which is the only one in the region with a stable outlook and whose credit rating has been ratified while (economic growth forecasts for) emerging countries have been revised downwards," she expressed.
Pacific Alliance
On the other hand, the minister pointed out that the Multiannual Macroeconomic Framework (MMM) is the most important economic policy document at State level, which sets the parameters for annual budgets.
Fiscal prudence
Furthermore, she remarked that Peru's fiscal management has shown a constant and prudent behavior, which has contributed to maintaining economic stability.
"Relying on a balanced budget ensures you reach the end of the year with resources to pay the bills, and this relief provides a better focus on the most relevant challenges for the country such as
improving competitiveness, decreasing informality, increasing financial inclusion,
reducing poverty, among others," the official added.
The remarks were made during her participation at the forum "Peruvian fiscal framework after 20 years of first fiscal rules."
Published: 10/16/2019